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3 Things to Know About Me

Updated: Apr 20, 2024

It isn’t in me to toot my own horn or to draw a lot of attention to myself, despite the fact that I have a blog and 130k followers across multiple social media accounts. Nevertheless, here I am and I thought it’s about time that I shared a little bit more about myself given that I spent most of my time just photographing my home without me actually featuring in much of it at all. So if you would like to get to know me a bit better, read on.

I’ve written a book

Hardly anyone knows this, this is definitely something that only immediate family have been told, and very close friends (and a couple of the people that I used to live with when I started to write the book).

"that’s the real reason why I started building my social media accounts, in the hope that I would build a following who would, hopefully, like to read my book"

It isn’t published and I haven’t been brave enough to give anyone the full copy yet, come to think of it, I still have a couple of chapters left to write, so I suppose it isn’t really finished yet. When it is, I would absolutely love to get it published. If I’m really honest, that’s the real reason why I started building my social media accounts, in the hope that I would build a following who would, hopefully, like to read my book.

So if any of you budding readers happened to be a publisher or know a literary agent, send them my way!

All photos in the above grid taken by Lucy Tallyn Wiltsher 2009

It may surprise you to know, that the book has absolutely nothing to do with DIY or home interiors. It is a book that I started writing many years ago when I finished university. It took me about 8 years to write about 80% of my book. Since then, I’ve taken an unintentional break to get married, buy a house, renovate a house and set up a business... I’ve been busy in the last few years.

The book is historical fiction, set during the reign of the Roman Emperor Nero through until the Year of the 4 Caesars... in case you’re wondering, I have a degree in Ancient History.

I’m an introvert

This will be pretty clear to anybody who knows me, apart from my family. For some reason they all think that I’m extremely confident, loud, and I never stop talking. That’s just because they are the ones who know me best, and I’m the most comfortable around them. But to anybody else who I have ever met, whether that’s work colleagues, friends of friends, or general acquaintances, people tend to comment about how shy I am, which in itself is actually quite a strange thing to discuss with a person you don’t really know.

"A teacher of mine used to say that I was quietly confident. I think this describes me perfectly"

It may interest you to know being an introvert doesn’t mean that you’re shy at all! Just as being an extrovert doesn’t mean that you are loud and obnoxious. As an introvert, I am a good listener and I measure my words carefully before I speak. This is often mistaken for shyness.

Evidently I'm quite good at keeping my face out of the picture... never noticed that before!

The above grid includes previous Ad collaborations

A teacher of mine used to say that I was quietly confident. I think this describes me perfectly. I don’t say or do anything unless I am absolutely sure and I am confident in my own abilities.

Perhaps that’s why I share so many decorating tips without being at the forefront of my own social media accounts.

I worked in the fashion industry for 8 years

They say that the average person changes careers 3 times in their life. Well, I’m on number 2. The career that I truly believed that I would have for the rest of my life was working in the fashion industry. I have worked at some of the biggest brands in the world including Gap and Net-a-Porter, managing my own departments and deciding where to invest the budget (alongside the buyer who was the more creative side of things whereas I was the money).

"I was made redundant... that was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me"

That all came to an end once I was made redundant after having been furloughed for the best part of 2020 during the pandemic. As it turns out, that was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me.

So there you have it! A few little snippets about me. Perhaps if I'm brave enough I'll share a few more one day. But first, I've inspired myself to get cracking with my book... watch this space!


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